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ProductGetEnumerator Method

Enumerate all elements of a Product.

Namespace:  Kaos.Combinatorics
Assembly:  KaosCombinatorics (in KaosCombinatorics.dll) Version:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Kaos.Combinatorics;

namespace ExampleApp
    class PtExample05
        static void Main()
            int[] sizes = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
            long rank = 925;

            // Create a cartesian product row:
            var pt = new Product (sizes, rank);

            // Access elements using the default enumerator:
            var text = String.Concat (pt.Select (ei => (char) ('A' + ei)));
            Console.WriteLine ($"{text}\n");

            // Access elements using the indexer:
            for (int i = 0; i < pt.Width; ++i)
                Console.WriteLine ($"Element at {i} is {pt[i]}");

        /* Output:


        Element at 0 is 0
        Element at 1 is 1
        Element at 2 is 0
        Element at 3 is 2
        Element at 4 is 0
        Element at 5 is 1

See Also