![]() | MulticombinationPermuteT Method |
Namespace: Kaos.Combinatorics
public static List<T> Permute<T>( Multicombination arrangement, IList<T> source )
Exception | Condition |
ArgumentNullException | When arrangement or source is null. |
ArgumentException | When length of source is less than arrangement.Choices. |
using System; using Kaos.Combinatorics; namespace ExampleApp { public class Pastry { public string Name { get; private set; } public Pastry (string name) { Name = name; } public override string ToString() => Name; } class McExample03 { static void Main() { Pastry[] Pastries = { new Pastry ("eclair"), new Pastry ("strudel"), new Pastry ("donut"), new Pastry ("croissant") }; // Use k-multicombinations to get rearrangements of other objects: foreach (var row in new Multicombination (Pastries.Length, 3).GetRows()) Console.WriteLine (String.Join (" ", Multicombination.Permute (row, Pastries))); } /* Output: eclair eclair eclair eclair eclair strudel eclair eclair donut eclair eclair croissant eclair strudel strudel eclair strudel donut eclair strudel croissant eclair donut donut eclair donut croissant eclair croissant croissant strudel strudel strudel strudel strudel donut strudel strudel croissant strudel donut donut strudel donut croissant strudel croissant croissant donut donut donut donut donut croissant donut croissant croissant croissant croissant croissant */ } }