RankedMapTKey, TValue Class |
Namespace: Kaos.Collections
[SerializableAttribute] public class RankedMap<TKey, TValue> : Btree<TKey>, ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IEnumerable, ICollection, IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback
The RankedMapTKey, TValue type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
RankedMapTKey, TValue | Initializes a new map instance using the default key comparer. | |
RankedMapTKey, TValue(ICollectionKeyValuePairTKey, TValue) | Initializes a new map instance that contains key/value pairs copied from the supplied map and sorted by the default comparer. | |
RankedMapTKey, TValue(IComparerTKey) | Initializes a new map instance using the supplied key comparer. | |
RankedMapTKey, TValue(ICollectionKeyValuePairTKey, TValue, IComparerTKey) | Initializes a new map instance that contains key/value pairs copied from the supplied map and sorted by the supplied comparer. | |
RankedMapTKey, TValue(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Initializes a new map instance that contains serialized data. |
Name | Description | |
Capacity | Gets or sets the order of the underlying B+ tree structure. (Inherited from BtreeT.) | |
Comparer | Returns a wrapper of the method used to order elements in the map. | |
Count | Gets the number of elements in the map. | |
Keys | Gets a RankedMapTKey, TValueKeyCollection containing the keys of the map. | |
MaxKey | Gets the maximum key in the map per the comparer. | |
MinKey | Gets the minimum key in the map per the comparer. | |
Values | Gets a RankedMapTKey, TValueValueCollection containing the values of the map. |
Name | Description | |
Add | Adds an element with the supplied key and value. | |
Clear | Removes all elements from the map. | |
ContainsKey | Determines whether the map contains the supplied key. | |
ContainsValue | Determines whether the map contains the supplied value. | |
CopyTo | Copies the map to a compatible array, starting at the supplied position. | |
ElementAt | Gets the key/value pair at the supplied index. | |
ElementAtOrDefault | Gets the key/value pair at the supplied index or the default if the index is out of range. | |
ElementsBetween | Returns an enumerator that iterates over a range with the supplied bounds. | |
ElementsBetweenIndexes | Returns an enumerator that iterates over a range with the supplied index bounds. | |
ElementsFrom | Returns an enumerator that iterates over a range with the supplied lower bound. | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
First | Gets the element with the lowest sorted key in the map. | |
GetEnumerator | Gets an enumerator that iterates thru the map. | |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetObjectData | Returns the data needed to serialize the map. | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
IndexOfKey | Gets the index of the first element with the supplied key. | |
IndexOfValue | Gets the index of the first element with the supplied value. | |
Last | Gets the element with the highest sorted key in the map. | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
OnDeserialization | Implements the deserialization callback and raises the deserialization event when completed. | |
Remove(TKey) | Removes all elements with the supplied key from the map. | |
Remove(TKey, Int32) | Removes a supplied number of elements with the supplied key from the map. | |
RemoveAll |
Removes all elements with keys in the supplied collection from the map.
| |
RemoveAt | Removes an element at the supplied index from the map. | |
RemoveRange | Removes an index range of elements from the map. | |
RemoveWhere | Removes all elements from the map that match the condition defined by the supplied key-parameterized predicate. | |
RemoveWhereElement | Removes all elements from the map that match the condition defined by the supplied key/value-parameterized predicate. | |
Reverse | Returns an enumerator that iterates thru the map in reverse order. | |
Skip | Bypasses a supplied number of elements and yields the remaining elements. | |
SkipWhile(FuncKeyValuePairTKey, TValue, Boolean) |
Bypasses elements as long as a supplied condition is true and yields the remaining elements.
| |
SkipWhile(FuncKeyValuePairTKey, TValue, Int32, Boolean) |
Bypasses elements as long as a supplied index-based condition is true and yields the remaining elements.
| |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
TryGetGreaterThan | Gets an element with the least key greater than the supplied key. | |
TryGetGreaterThanOrEqual | Gets an element with the least key greater than or equal to the supplied key. | |
TryGetLessThan | Gets an element with the greatest key less than the supplied key. | |
TryGetLessThanOrEqual | Gets an element with the greatest key less than or equal to the supplied key. |
Name | Description | |
ICollectionKeyValuePairTKey, TValueAdd | Adds an element with the supplied key/value pair. | |
ICollectionKeyValuePairTKey, TValueContains | Determines whether the map contains the supplied key/value pair. | |
ICollectionCopyTo | Copies the elements of the map to an array, starting at the supplied array index. | |
IEnumerableKeyValuePairTKey, TValueGetEnumerator | Gets an enumerator that iterates thru the map. | |
IEnumerableGetEnumerator | Gets an enumerator that iterates thru the collection. | |
ISerializableGetObjectData | Returns the data needed to serialize the map. | |
ICollectionKeyValuePairTKey, TValueIsReadOnly | Indicates that this collection may be modified. | |
ICollectionIsSynchronized | Indicates that the collection is not thread safe. | |
IDeserializationCallbackOnDeserialization | Implements the deserialization callback and raises the deserialization event when completed. | |
ICollectionKeyValuePairTKey, TValueRemove | Deletes all occurrences of the supplied key and its associated value from the collection. | |
ICollectionSyncRoot | Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. |
First is a basic example of this class.
using System; using Kaos.Collections; namespace ExampleApp { class RmExample02 { static void Main() { var map = new RankedMap<char,int>(); var input = "this is it"; for (int pos = 0; pos < input.Length; ++pos) if (! Char.IsWhiteSpace (input[pos])) map.Add (input[pos], pos); foreach (var kv in map) Console.WriteLine (kv); } /* Output: [h, 1] [i, 2] [i, 5] [i, 8] [s, 3] [s, 6] [t, 0] [t, 9] */ } }
Next is a larger example showing some common operations of this class.
using System; using Kaos.Collections; namespace ExampleApp { class RmExample01 { static void Main() { // Keys will compare case insensitive with this constructor. var fmt = new RankedMap<string,string> (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); fmt.Add ("csv", "Comma Separated Values"); fmt.Add ("DAT", "dBase II data file"); fmt.Add ("dat", "Sony Digital Audio Tape"); fmt.Add ("qt", "QuickTime movie clip"); fmt.Add ("jpeg", "JPEG bitmap image format"); fmt.Add ("sln", "Blend for Visual Studio"); fmt.Add ("sln", "Visual Studio 2017"); if (fmt.ContainsKey ("jpeg")) fmt.Add ("jpg", "JPEG bitmap image format"); if (fmt.Keys.GetCount ("sln") > 1) fmt.Add ("sln", "Visual Studio Version Selector"); // When you use foreach to enumerate map elements, // each element is retrieved as a KeyValuePair. Console.WriteLine ("All map elements:"); foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string,string> pair in fmt) Console.WriteLine ($" Key = {pair.Key}, Value = {pair.Value}"); Console.WriteLine ($"\nDistinct format count: {fmt.Keys.GetDistinctCount()}"); Console.WriteLine ($"Total format count: {fmt.Count}"); Console.WriteLine ("\nRemove all sln format occurrences..."); int removed = fmt.Remove ("sln", Int32.MaxValue); Console.WriteLine ($"Items removed: {removed}"); Console.WriteLine ("Remove qt format..."); fmt.Remove ("qt"); // To get the keys alone, use the Keys property. RankedMap<string,string>.KeyCollection keys = fmt.Keys; // The items of a KeyCollection have the type specified for the map keys. Console.WriteLine ("\nKeys:"); foreach (string x in keys) Console.WriteLine ($" {x}"); // To get the values alone, use the Values property. RankedMap<string,string>.ValueCollection values = fmt.Values; Console.WriteLine ("\nValues:"); foreach (string x in values) Console.WriteLine ($" {x}"); } /* Output: All map elements: Key = csv, Value = Comma Separated Values Key = DAT, Value = dBase II data file Key = dat, Value = Sony Digital Audio Tape Key = jpeg, Value = JPEG bitmap image format Key = jpg, Value = JPEG bitmap image format Key = qt, Value = QuickTime movie clip Key = sln, Value = Blend for Visual Studio Key = sln, Value = Visual Studio 2017 Key = sln, Value = Visual Studio Version Selector Distinct format count: 6 Total format count: 9 Remove all sln format occurrences... Items removed: 3 Remove qt format... Keys: csv DAT dat jpeg jpg Values: Comma Separated Values dBase II data file Sony Digital Audio Tape JPEG bitmap image format JPEG bitmap image format */ } }
Last is an example showing binary serialization round tripped.
Note: Serialization is not supported in .NET Standard 1.0.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using Kaos.Collections; namespace ExampleApp { [Serializable] public class PlayerComparer : Comparer<Player> { public override int Compare (Player x, Player y) { int cp = String.Compare (x.Clan, y.Clan); return cp != 0 ? cp : String.Compare (x.Name, y.Name); } } [Serializable] public class PlayerMap : RankedMap<Player,int> { public string Game { get; set; } public PlayerMap() : base (new PlayerComparer()) { } public PlayerMap (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base (info, context) { this.Game = info.GetString ("Game"); } protected override void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { base.GetObjectData (info, context); info.AddValue ("Game", Game, typeof (string)); } } [Serializable] public class Player : ISerializable { public string Clan { get; private set; } public string Name { get; private set; } public Player (string clan, string name) { this.Clan = clan; this.Name = name; } protected Player (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { this.Clan = (string) info.GetValue ("Clan", typeof (string)); this.Name = (string) info.GetValue ("Name", typeof (string)); } public virtual void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { info.AddValue ("Clan", Clan, typeof (string)); info.AddValue ("Name", Name, typeof (string)); } public override string ToString() => Clan + "." + Name; } class RmExample05 { static void Main() { string fileName = "MapScores.bin"; var map1 = new PlayerMap() { Game = "Day of Defeat" }; map1.Add (new Player ("GG", "Floyd"), 11); map1.Add (new Player (null, "Player"), 22); map1.Add (new Player ("A1", "Betty"), 44); map1.Add (new Player ("GG", "Edwin"), 66); map1.Add (new Player (null, "Player"), 77); IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); using (var fs = new FileStream (fileName, FileMode.Create)) { formatter.Serialize (fs, map1); } Console.WriteLine ($"Wrote {map1.Count} key/value pairs.\n"); PlayerMap map2 = null; using (var fs = new FileStream (fileName, FileMode.Open)) { map2 = (PlayerMap) formatter.Deserialize (fs); } Console.WriteLine ("Read back:"); Console.WriteLine ($"Game = {map2.Game}"); Console.WriteLine ("Players:"); foreach (var kv in map2) Console.WriteLine ($" {kv}"); } /* Output: Wrote 5 key/value pairs. Read back: Game = Day of Defeat Players: [.Player, 22] [.Player, 77] [A1.Betty, 44] [GG.Edwin, 66] [GG.Floyd, 11] */ } }